Membership Advantages

Membership Benefits

Philly AND strives to provide opportunities to help nutrition professionals advance in their careers, develop their skills, and achieve their professional goals. Members can take advantage of these benefits:

Networking Events
Networking events allow members to meet other like-minded individuals to share best practices, ask for career related advice, and to make new friends!

Educational Opportunities 
CPE opportunities available for free or at discounted rates exclusively for members only. We offer webinars and in-person events. 

Policy and Advocacy 
Public policy is integral to achieving the mission of the Academy which is to improve and protect the the health of Americans and to ensure that the public trusts us as the nutrition experts. The Public Policy Committee at the national, state, and local level work hard year- round to advocate for our profession and members have the opportunity to join in their efforts. 

Career Opportunities
Looking for a career change or job advancement? View local job listings in the area only available to Philly AND members. 

Free Job Posting 
Members who are looking to hire are able to post jobs free of charge to our job listing for 30 days. Posting on our Philly AND website allows you to reach over 300 nutrition professionals in our area. 

Gain leadership experience by running for over 20 different board positions in Philly AND. Our committee is always looking for enthusiastic individuals looking to make a difference within our professional. 

Awards & Scholarships
Considering applying for awards and scholarships, available to students as well. Each year Philly AND offers a $500 scholarship to an accomplished and deserving nutrition student. Awards are also available at the state level. Visit Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics for more information. 

Member Dues
Nutrition Professional: $35/year 
Students: $16/year

Membership cycles run from June 1st to May 31st. 

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